
Technology Used: Embedded system || Microcontroller || Inverter Circuit || Battery Management System


World population is increasing day by day [Ref: USCB] and so as the production and consumption of electricity[Ref: GESY 2017]. As a result of which, carbon emission in the atmosphere is also increasing. Hence, electricity crisis is a problem that the world has been facing due to the limited amount of natural resources available to us. So, the world needs to work with renewable sources of energy in order to overcome this energy crisis by not using any natural resources. Human beings are an asset, that earth wouldn’t be running out of anytime soon. So, to use human weight/pressure to generate electricity is the alternative solution that the world should summon up in order to walk in pace with the upcoming energy crisis. The name of the product is “X-Spark”. It is a renewable and green form of energy which generates electricity using human (and vehicle) pressure/ weight. X-Spark can be used as tiles and mats. The best part of X-Spark is that it does not consume any type of natural resources to generate electricity. It provides totally green and renewable energy. Hence, X-Spark fulfills the criteria’s mentioned above very well and proves to be the best solution. (“X-Spark” - available in the form of both tiles and mats to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy)



This paper describes the generation of electricity using X- Spark (tiles or mats). When a human walks or a vehicle runs on the surface of a road, it exerts some pressure (energy) on the surface, which is actually getting wasted. X-Spark traps this energy (mechanical energy) and converts it into electrical energy, which is a green, sustainable and renewable form of energy. When a human walks, he exerts some pressure on the surface he is walking on. The surface is replaced with X- Spark (tiles). So, if floors of crowded places (like railway stations, airports, shopping malls, dance clubs or any place where the footstep count is more than normal) are replaced by X-Spark tiles, then that particular place do not need to buy electricity from any outside source. These places can generate electricity by themselves. In case of highways, where vehicles run in a continuous manner, X-Spark mat can be implemented. If we construct 1 km long X-Spark mat on a busy highway, then enough amount of electricity will be generated, with which street lights can be lighten up. The electricity can also be stored and supplied to the nearest villages and can be used for various other purposes as well. There are many existing technologies in the market like “PAVEGEN” [2], a London company, which is also providing energy from footsteps. Another innovation company known as “ParaGen” [3], also came up with the innovation of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy using tiles but both of these companies failed in this field due to their poor innovation technique and methodology. Both of these companies are unable to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy efficiently. And they have poor conversion rate. Hence, we have come up with a proper innovative technique and methodology to convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy using X-Spark (tiles and mats) which has a better conversion rate as compared to them. This world is looking forward to adopt some renewable energy sources to generate electricity like (solar, wind, hydro, etc.) but, all these renewable sources have specific limitations to generate electricity. So, if the world wants to switch to renewable sources to generate electricity by at least 50 percent by the year 2050 (Ref: IRENA), then a suitable alternative solution has to be adopted which have less limitations and disadvantages, and X-Spark fulfills this criteria very well. X-Spark is able to generate electricity from human pressure efficiently. But, what makes X-Spark different is its unique method and technique of converting human/ vehicle pressure into electricity which differs from any of the existing technologies. Some of the specific advantages of X-Spark are its no fuel input mechanism. X-Spark generates power merely by the vibration collected by walking of humans (or vehicles) on it. Hence, it does not require any extra material or maintenance cost (negligible). It is totally a pollution free product because it does not use any natural or non–renewable resources for the generation of energy. It doesn’t even require any specific set-up space for its installation. Moreover, after installation its free energy [i.e., after installation it doesn’t require a single penny (except some maintenance cost) to be spent on it in order to generate energy].

Impact & Future Scope

X-Spark (tiles and mats) is capable of generating energy by mere walking of humans or running of vehicles on it. The series/ parallel connection of the sensors (within X-Spark) is what makes it more compatible. The weight/ pressure applied on X-Spark is linearly related to the amount of power generated from it. It is to be especially implemented in crowded areas or at any place where the foot count is more than normal. The energy generated by X-Spark can be used to light up the street lights (without using the long power lines). It can also be used to light up a whole building or even a village. X-Spark proves to be an efficient, renewable, sustainable, clean and environmental friendly solution to the upcoming energy crisis, which the world is definitely going to face by the year 2050. In X- Spark, a unique technology and method is used, which makes it more efficient and better than the other existing products. A single X-spark tile can generate electricity up to 5 seconds with just the pressure of a single foot step. If regular and continuous walking pressure is exerted on these tiles, then one tile will be able to generate (15-125) watt/hrs. Hence, if (approximately 25000) X-Spark tiles are installed, it will be able to generate and provide (375-3125) KWh of energy to the load [Table 1]. Since, utilization of the wasted energy is very much relevant and important for highly populated countries like INDIA, CHINA, BANGLADESH, etc., so, by replacing the normal tiles of a railway station, shopping mall or an airport by X- Spark tiles, huge amount of electricity will be generated. Humans walking on X-Spark tiles will exert pressure on it, resulting to the generation of power by the conversion of mechanical pressure into electrical energy. The amount of electricity generated will be sufficient for the whole railway station (or airport, shopping mall) to light up. More the crowd, more energy will be generated. This generated energy can even be stored in a battery for simultaneous or future use. By replacing the normal tiles of even a dance- club or a footpath (regular pathway for pedestrians) by X-Spark tiles, huge amount of electricity will be generated. Similarly, if X- Spark mats are implemented on busy highways, huge amount of electricity will be generated. X-Spark is a very advantageous product as it works on no fuel input mechanism. It generates energy merely by the vibration collected by walking of humans (or vehicles) on it. It is an environmental friendly product because it causes no pollution to the environment. It doesn’t even require any specific set-up space for its installation, and itsmaintenance cost is almost negligible. It is a renewable and green form of energy which generates electricity using human/ vehicle pressure/weight. It is the new way of generating electricity for the whole world.

“X-Spark’s motto is to develop a sustainable, scalable, fast – growing social enterprise that harnesses the power of energy to transform the lives of 10 million people by 2025”


[1] IRENA, International Renewable Energy Agency, Global energy transformation.
[2] IEA, International Energy Agency.
[3] USCB, United States Census Bureau
[4] GESY, Global Energy Statistical Yearbook, 2017

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