Home Security System

Technology Used: IOT || Embedded System || Image Processing || Pervasive Computing


Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the infrastructure of connected physical devices which is growing at a rapid rate, as huge number of common use devices and gadgets are getting enabled with Internet connectivity. IoT is shifting gears of the future generation automation technology. The mobility and ease of remote access is making IoT a go-to-technology for commercial and domestic digital transformation. IoT has virtually captured every sector of concern, from healthcare to defense, acting as a game changer in making the world more connected and secured. One such vital application of IoT technology is Home security. We are using it to create an inexpensive security system for domestic and for industrial purposes as well.. The proposed system named - “Smart Home Security System” will alert the owner/owners about any unauthorized access to home premises or whenever the entry points of home is operated, by sending a notification over email and WhatsApp respectively. After receiving the notification, the user can take the necessary security actions. To enable the functioning of seamless communication channel that will be immune to illicit interception, API based software solution for e-mail and WhatsApp alert is implemented. The security system uses a popular microcontroller unit, Arduino Uno as a host to act as an interface between the components, an optic PIR sensor to monitor the status, Bluetooth speaker for sounding the alarm, and a Wi-Fi module (ESP8266) to connect and communicate using the Internet. The major advantages of such a system includes the ease of installation and setup, lower costs and greater versatility of the system suitable for outdoor conditions. The components required to build the system is cost effective and easily available thus reducing the time taken to resolve hardware failure issues (if required). This is particularly important because home security system is a basic need that demands round the clock vigilance and efficiency to serve its prime purpose.


Working Model

The proposed project is a collective interfacing of ESP8266, a voice module and a PIR sensor together with a microcontroller (Arduino). The ESP8266 module is a small module that allows microcontrollers to connect to a Wi-Fi network and make simple TCP/IP connections .The ESP8266 (with 1 MiB of built-in flash), allows the devices to be capable of connecting to Wifi.This module is connected with a PIR sensor (an electronic sensor), that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. It is most often used in PIR-based motion detectors. PIR sensors are generally used in security alarms and automatic lighting applications. PIR sensors detect general movement, but do not give information on who or what moved. For that purpose, an active IR sensor is required. The output data received from the PIR is sent to the cloud with the help of Arduino, where the data is stored and is sent directly to the host on his e-mail address. Arduino, which is a microcontroller board, is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output pins the may be interfaced to various extension boards and other circuits. The board has 14 digital I/O pins, 6 analog I/O pins, and is programmable with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment ), via Type B USB cable. With the help of Arduino’s input output pins, all the other equipments are connected and UNO board is programmed in such a way, that it interfaces all the other equipments and sends data to the cloud. The data received from the microcontroller will inform the host about the intrusion (movement) inside his home. All the data will be captured by the PIR sensor and a Voice Recognition Module, which is a easy-control speaking recognition board. It is a speaker- dependent module and supports up to 80 voice commands. Any sound which we want to set as an alarming sound could be trained as a command, if the user wants to display that command when any intrusion occurs within the house . This project is a user friendly device and is a must need device for every house. The notification feature makes it very instant for the host to take necessary actions to prevent burglary in his house.


A smart home contains a connection between wireless communication, sensors, monitoring and tracking. Smart homes are systems that include multiple technologies and applications that can be used to provide security and control of the home easily. The project has proposed the idea of Smart homes that can support a lot of home automation systems. From our project, “SMART HOME SECURITY SYSTEM”, we have learnt about one of the recent technologies, which is IOT (Internet Of Things), a system of interrelated computing devices, provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network. Not only this, we have also learnt about various equipments like ESP8266 (a Wifi Module), PIR sensor, Voice module and many others and their working. Smart Home Security System is one of the projects in which we built a security system which triggers an Email response on detecting any intrusion in the house. The proposed project is a fully functional Security system which can be armed/ disarmed (activated/ deactivated) remotely via the internet. One can even record our own audio clip which will be played when movements are detected and also send a mail with date and time to a particular Email ID stating the intrusion. This project helps people to be aware of any kind of intrusion inside their homes.

Testing & deployment of this project is in progress.......

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